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Is It Becoming a Buyers' Market Again in the DFW?

It’s the loaded question. But it is rooted in real data. There are real values that define the difference between a Sellers’ and Buyers’ market.

Recent market data just provided via the National Association of REALTORS is showing that inventory is at a five year high. This means there are more houses available for sale than any other time in the last five years. So the old economics adage, supply and demand drives price also applies here. With more homes available and currently stable interest rates, home prices will slip and days on market will increase.

This IS actually happening right now. Now more than any time in the last five years it is going to take longer to sell and your sale price will be lower than where it might have been six or twelve months ago.

How do you combat this?

It’s easy with Broker Direct Real Estate. By only having to pay 1% on the listing agent side of your sale, you can lower your price and still net the same amount in your pocket as if you were paying a traditional 3%. Use the tool to your advantage and list with Broker Direct Real Estate remain competitive in a harder market.

Graham Brizendine